2.4.1 Voiced and unvoiced sounds Voiced and unvoiced s

French differenatiates between voiced and unvoiced sounds. The sounds concerned are s and sh.

What actually is the difference? The difference is in the use of your vocal chords. They vibrate in the unvoiced version. Actually English has the same. Voiced s are in the words crazy, these. Unvoiced s are in words like sun, fuss, Swiss.

Graphemes for voiced s are: s, z, x, zz

Voiced s
penser (to think) poser (to put)
embrasser (to kiss) embraser (to put to blaze)
essentiel (essential) économiser (to save)

Graphemes for voiced s are: s, ss, c, ç, sc, sth, x

Unvoiced s
soleil (sun)
poisson (fish)
citron (lemon)
garçon (boy)
science (science)
asthme (asthma)
six (six)

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