4.3 Important irregular verbs

Two of the most common and most used verbs are totally irregular: être (to be) and avoir (to have).

Conjugation of être and avoir
Personal pronoun être (to be) avoir (to have)
je suis ai
tu es as
il / elle est a
nous sommes avons
vous êtes avez
ils / elles sont ont

The importance of these verbs becomes even more clear when understanding that they are used to form compound tenses like the present perfect (passé composé).

Passé composé* Perfekt Passé composé Perfekt
Je suis venu(e). I have come. J' ai parlé. I have talked.
Tu es venu(e). You have come. Tu as parlé. You have talked.
Il est venu. He has come. Il a parlé. He has talked.
Elle est venue. She has come. Elle a parlé. She has talked.
Nous sommes venu(e)s. We have come. Nous avons parlé. We have talked.
Vous êtes venu(e)s. You have come. Vous avez parlé. You have talked.
Ils sont venus. They have come. Ils ont parlé. They have talked.
Elles sont venues. They have come. Elles ont parlé. They have talked.

* Do not mind the (e) yet, we will get to this later. For those, who cannot wait: When the present perfect is formed with the verb être and the subject is of female gender an e is added.

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