5.5.1 de = of , from

One of the most important prepositions is de. We have already seen it in two different uses, the partitive article (which is unknown in English) and to form the Genitive.

partiticon article

Il boit de la bière.
He drinks --- beer.

Il boit du café.
He drinks --- coffee.

Il mange des légumes.
He eats --- vegetables.


C' est la porte de la voiture.
This is the door of the car.

C' est la porte du restaurant.
This is the door of the restaurant.

C' est l' opinion des gens.
This is the opinion of the people.

In addition de has many other meanings.

Andere Bedeutungen

Il vient de Berlin.
He comes from Berlin.
Je l' ai appris de mon frère.
I it have learned from my brother.

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