Phrases NOT requiring the subjonctif

There are phrases that express an evaluation of probability of the speaker. One could think that these phrases would require the subjonctif. However, most of these phrases use the subjonctif only in negated sentences as you can see in the following examples. And, if you think about it - affirmative phrases are usually closer to reality, meaning that the indicatif-mood is to be used; negated clauses reduce probability, meaning that these events are closer to irreality and the subjonctif is to be used.

affirmative without subjonctif => Il est évident = it is obvious
Il est évident qu' il a perdu son argent.
  It is obvious that he has lost his money.
negated with subjonctif
Il n' est pas évident qu' il ait perdu son argent.
  It is not obvious that he had lost his money.
affirmative without subjonctif => Il est probable = it is likely
Il est probable qu' il le lui a dit.
  It is likely that he has told it to him.
negated with subjonctif
Il n' est pas vraisemblable qu' il l' ait tué.
  It is not likely that he has killed him.
affirmative without subjonctif => Il est inévitable = it is inevitable
Il est inévitable qu' on lui dit la vérité.
  It is inevitable that one has to tell him the truth.
negated with subjonctif
Il n' est pas inévitable qu' on lui dise la vérité.
  It is not inevitable that one has to tell him the truth.
affirmative without subjonctif => Il est sûr = it is sure
Il est sûr qu' il me voit.
  It is sure that he sees me.
negated with subjonctif
Il n' est pas sûr qu' il me voie.
  It is not sure that he sees me.
affirmative without subjonctif => Il est vrai = it is true
Il est vrai qu' il n' est jamais là, si on a besoin de lui.
  It is true that he is never there, when one needs him.
negated with subjonctif
Il n' est pas vrai qu' il ne soit jamais là, si on a besoin de lui.
  It is not true that he is never there, when one needs him.
affirmative without subjonctif => Il me semble = it seems to me
Il me semble qu' il est malade.
  It seems to me that he is ill.
negated with subjonctif
Il ne me semble pas qu' il soit malade.
  It does not seem to me that he is ill.

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