16.1 Personal pronouns

We have already discussed the personal pronouns in french survival guide 1 and we have used them already so often that the following table is a mere summary for the purpose of completeness.

connected personal pronouns unconnected personal pronouns
Nominative   Accusative   Dative Pronouns used with ... Examples

- Prepositions
- after
- in interrogative clauses (questions)
- as answers
- with the imperative form

Il le fait pour toi.
Il n' est pas plus beau que moi.
Qui te l' as dit? Lui.

je me me moi
tu te te toi
il le lui lui / soi*
elle la lui elle
nous nous nous nous
vous vous vous vous
ils les leur eux
elles les leur elles

* Is the referred object unknown (chacun, on), then soi is used, which is comparable with oneself.

On ne pense qu'à soi-même.
  One thinks only about oneself.
On a souvent besoin d' un plus petit que soi.
  One often needs a smaller one than oneself.

In comparison with a known object, things look as follows:

On se culpabilise et on fait beaucoup de tort à soi-même et aux autres.
  One blames oneself and wrongs oneself and others.
Il se culpabilise et il fait beaucoup de tort à lui-même et aux autres.
  He blames himself and wrongs himself and others.

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